You are Loved. Do not be deceived.

Our God is good, the Lord is good to all. He is being patient with us.

I found out that some individuals in China wrote in a book that Jesus stoned the women that men where about to stone. Jesus is Lord of all, he actually told her to sin no more after he protected her from being stoned. He did not stone her. Because Love protects. The Lord is good to all. So repent and believe in the gospel. His Word. His Word stands. He is patient with us. This has been many years though that people have been trying to warn you. Many times people tried to communicate not to allow lawlessness. I pray for you all. Kindly women do not teach men. Pray for all men.

The pain and harm that mothers who choose abortion experience is often not relayed right away at places that murder innocent children like I found out is still happening in some places in the world, and places that permit abortion pills or any other devices to murder children with at clinics. Repent.

I did some research over the years online and found some things that were extremely wrong with this world. The lawlessness of abortion, the murder of innocent children which is really what it is, started getting “legalized” about a hundred years ago from what I learned in a place that also promoted violence in other ways such as war.

Abortion is lawlessness, I have proved it not once. I do not need your advice on what is lawful or not. God’s law stands. Killing is wrong. Pray to God to send His son, God Himself, the Good Shepard, Wonderful Counselor. And now since it is lawlessness it should not be allowed, nor is lawlessness lawful, so it actually may be expunged promptly and no one, no country should do anything against God’s commands. The God of peace is mighty. He is the prince of peace. I am not sure what some people that were not teaching true doctrine wrote in some bibles about Jesus that is not true, but I hope all people everywhere repent. I pray for you. Take heed to God’s commandments. Do not be fooled by past mistakes of others. Whether Lenin, or other places where this lawlessness was first authorized by a someone who is actually in a grave now. Please get rid of your statues of people like that, and melt the metals or material and use it to build some bridges and something useful. Maybe some building structures so you can store food on cold winter days. End the war. Love one another. Be at peace. Do not blame yourself for the fault of others, and do not follow their example, but follow Jesus. Look, none is righteous, I am not good either. God is Love, He Loves us all, He has a good purpose for us all.

My apology for not using the best words and making this as good as I would like to, but this I know, Jesus loves you.